Saturday, September 29, 2012

Children's Blessing - Brakhot 53b

"Samuel inquired of Rab: Should one respond Amen after [a blessing said by] schoolchildren? — He replied: We respond Amen after everyone except children in school, because they are merely learning."

Why does the education level of the reciter have an effect on the b'rakha's efficacy? What should this mean for us today in which many people are where the Rabbis would have likely called 'merely learning.'?


  1. I'm not sure that's what they're saying. I understood that it's not the brachot of schoolchildren in general, but when they are in school reciting the brachot as learning.

    The question is, if I overhear someone practicing the brachot, should I say amen?

  2. Oh! That makes far more sense. So I guess the question is more about the efficacy of a b'rakha that's said as practice. The Rabbis seem to indicate that its wasted - I suppose making a strong argument for kavvanah.

    Thanks for clarifying that! I've been falling behind on the cycle, trying to catch up here before we finish Brakhot. :)
