Friday, August 17, 2012

Concluding Prayers - Brakhot 16

Towards the end of today's Daf we see a whole series of different prayers that different rabbis would say after they finished the Tefila. It seems to allow for an individual voice in a place where the liturgy is almost totally prescriptive. What would be your concluding prayer? Do you have something you always say?

One I picked up is this: "May it be Your Will, that I be able to distinguish between those things which emanate your light, and those which are illuminated by it."

How about you guys?

1 comment:

  1. I love your prayer, Adam. And more than that I think you've pointed to a fantastic educational tool to teach prayer to any age: go through these prayers with a student/class and offer the same question you offered.

    Since you asked -- I know it's a bit cliche but I often find myself coming back to the Serenity Prayer, out of a desire to relinquish the need for control that enslaves me. You've challenged me, and I am going to think about this more.
