Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Half a Theodicy - Shabbat 97a

"Rava - others state, R. Yosi b. R. Hanina-said: The dispensation of good comes more quickly than that of punishment [evil]." Shabbat 97a

Today's daf argues passionately that good comes quickly while evil's progress towards reality is slow and encumbered. The language used contrasts middah tova  and middah puranut - literally, a 'measure of goodness' and a 'measure of punishment.' To me it seems that this one line amidst discussions of public and private domains consists of a significant contribution to talmudic theodicy - that what good we've warranted we see sooner than the punishment we've warranted. Perhaps the rabbis hoped that this would answer the question of why wicked people appear not to be punished, and in a way it does. However, it leaves wide open the converse question - if the good dispensation comes quickly, why do the righteous suffer?

1 comment:

  1. I'm still a few pages behind but it's good to have you back on the site!
